Accessibility policies & concerns


AMP makes use of the XHTML accesskey attribute, allowing users to navigate select pages using only the keyboard. Below is a directory of the content accessibile via accesskeys, and the corresponding key for each page.

0Accessibility (this page)
2Find a Star
3Submit a Run
4About AMP
5AMP User Guide
6Log in / Log out
7Privacy Policy
How to use accesskeys:

How to use accesskeys in AMP supported browsers (default configuration).

  • Firefox (PC): Alt-Shift + key
  • Firefox (Mac): Control-Shift + key
  • Internet Explorer 6/7 (PC): Alt + key, then Enter
  • Safari (PC): Alt + key
  • Safari (Mac): Alt + key
  • Chrome (PC): Alt + key
Decorative shadow for 50% width subcontainers

Additional solutions

Listed below are a number of select solutions and techniques utilized by AMP's development team. For any questions not answered here, please check the About AMP pages and contact an administrator if no solution is found.

  • Screenreader and alternate user agent concerns : To assist users accessing AMP through alternative user agents such as screen readers, AMP developers have taken the following precautions:
    • "Alt" attributes given to all images for non-graphic user agents.
    • Appropriate semantic use of tags such as <h1> and <strong> help user agents understand site content and structure.
    • AMP was built using only CSS and XHTML for presentation, no Javascript or other technologies (such as Flash, SilverLight, etc) are required to view and use AMP's services.
  • Information clarity: Where appropriate, AMP developers try to provide descriptive <abbr> tags to describe scientific terminology and symbology. We also strive to provide <title> attributes for all links describing the destination page or file.
  • Browser and OS support: AMP developers try to provide support for most major, modern browsers and operating systems. As of writing this article, the following browsers and operating systems are explicitly supported and have undergone compatibility testing: Firefox (PC/Mac), Chrome (PC), Internet Explorer 6/7 (PC), Safari (PC/Mac).
  • W3C recommendations, standards, and validation: AMP developers adhere to W3C recommendations and standards whenever appropriate, and utilize the W3C validators to make sure pages are functional and compliant.

Page validation

As of writing this article, all AMP pages are tested to validate as proper XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS level 2.1.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict

Valid CSS!

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