About Kepler

The Kepler satellite has revolutionized the quality and quantity of asteroseismic data available for solar-type stars. The mission uses asteroseismology to determine precise absolute sizes of the potentially habitable Earth-like planets that are discovered. A uniform analysis of the asteroseismic data helps to minimize systematic errors between the properties obtained for different stars, and such an analysis is facilitated by this XSEDE-based community modeling tool.

After collection and initial analysis, the data from the Kepler Mission is embargoed for a period of time during which only members of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC) may view the data or results derived from it.

If you are affiliated with an institution that is a member of KASC, you may request that your AMP account be associated with the KASC group. Users in the KASC group may view other KASC simulations and perform runs that are not visible to non-KASC members. Once the data embargo has elapsed, all of the results will be made visible.

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